Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!! Counting down to midnight .... if we can stay awake .....

May 2012 bring solutions to your problems, good health to you and yours and prosperity in this age of uncertainty!!
Lots of love from Lesley & Paul

PS hope that you can pop into the shop before we close at the end of January (lots of bargains!) and that we will see you at the next Nostalgic Mix fair at the end of March .... yes the booking forms will be out very soon!! XXX

Thursday, 22 December 2011

This'n'That .... what next?

Seven years ago Paul and I signed the lease for the shop. Since then it has evolved from (what was intended to be)an 'Antiques and Collectables' shop into it's current 'Nostalgic Mix of old and new'.
We've had such fun and made lots of new friends.
We have added greetings cards and wrap, assorted gift lines and the ever popular stocking fillers for grown ups.
In 2010 I started up Nostalgic Mix Fairs with one in 2010, two in 2011 and already have two planned for 2012 when there will be two more Nostalgic Mix vintage fairs.
Paul and I have decided not to renew the lease and will be closing at the end of January. It took us a while to come to the decision but it's the right one for us.
I will, at long last, have time to really concentrate on the blog plus some selling on line.
Also, in addition to our own fairs I hope to be able to book in for others. This'n'That will be at Lizzie's Vintage Rag Market in Frome at the end of June and hopefully we will be at the Vintage and Handmade Fair in Chipping Sodbury in December.
I hope that you will continue to follow the blog and that your patience will, at long last, be rewarded with regular posts!! Yes Helen really!!
Hopefully many of our friends will be able to call in before we close.
There will be a sale in the shop in January and lots of our gift and card lines are already discounted.
(Booking forms for the 2012 fairs will be winging their way out after Christmas.)

Sunday, 13 November 2011

News from Totnes!

Hi there, Sorry it's been so long since I posted on the blog. I used to joke that I could fit everything into each day if I gave up some sleep ... you know, the posted ramblings of an insomniac?! Well, thta's no longer true, I just about get half of my stuff done and whimper quietly over my long 'Things to do" list for the next day.
Anyway, I thought that I should remind you to pop these dates onto your calendar for December.
Totnes Christmas Festival:
late night opening with street market on ...
Tuesdays December 6th, 13th & 20th.
For parking info look at

Monday, 3 October 2011

Apologies and Thanks!

Hi there, have lots of pics and thanks to post re the third Nostalgic Mix Fair held a week ago. At the moment I'm having a few days away and find my internet connection not working so, apologies will catch up when I get home later in the week. (Have a few borrowed mins on the office PC where I am staying)
Many, many thanks to all sellers, helpers, browsers and buyers at NM3.
See recent blog for 2012 dates. just use the email link if you want to book.
Lesley XX

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Dates for 2012

At last I have some dates pencilled in for 2012! The Town Council office said that I had to wait whilst they fitted in their regulars so wait I did and here we are!!

NM4 Sat March 31st
Nm5 Sat October 13th

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Today is Sunday. It is raining ....


Who remembers the 'weather board'at infant school? The start of day ritual was to establish the day, sometimes the date too and .... the weather!

How did we find out about the weather? Well, we either looked out of the window (very scientific) or even stood outside.

Well, what I'm leading up to is to ask why the Met Office (only 'down the road' at Exeter) can't do the same? So often lately we are told that it will be raining for much of the day, consequently Totnes is a bit quieter than it might otherwise be ... but ..... the sun shines! Conversely, especially at weekends it rains when we had been told perhaps early showers and a fine afternoon.

However, I suppose that I can't blame them for today, they forecast rain and rain it did .... in what my Gran would have referred to as stair rods!!

Should you wish to do the 'Blue Peter' thing and make your own weather board ... perhaps not using the ever popular Fairy Liquid bottle... a Google search for weather symbols was most productive :)