Thursday, 11 October 2012

Two more days to go!  Boxes packed, sunshine booked!  A really full hall for the delight of our visitors.. We are using the stage, meeting room and entrance hall too.  Lots of variety, more vintage clothing than last time, nostalgia at every turn, Helen's (Bustle and Sew) annual selling spree, Avril's (More Tea Vicar) cakes .... don't miss it!!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Nostalgic Mix sellers

Nostalgic Mix Sellers

Shabby Chick (Amanda)
Sara Rose Textiles (selling rag rugs and more)
Bustle and Sew (Helen)
Sue Garratt (selling retro styled goodies and more)
Di Hawkins (selling vintage clothing)
The Washerwoman (Jack and Lizzie)
International Quality Kitsch (Leonore)
Cycles Vintage Clothing (Clare)
Recycloanalyst (Anne)
Scallywags (Maddy)
Stewart and Hazel Lincoln (selling a vintage/retro mix)
Salssnippets Vintage Fabrics (Sal)
Philippa Potts
Vintage by Nature (Auriol & Sue)
Peagreen Furniture (Sam Sunshine)
Rosiebud Designs (Jill)
Wiggiewoo (Yasmin)
Vintage Clothing (Jennie)
Richard and Norman (selling vintage and retro)
Alice’s Teaparty (Julia)
Serena Tucker (selling a vintage mix)
Taylor Made Creations (Patsy)
Sue Lewis (selling vintage china and more)
More Tea Vicar (Avril’s retro teashop beneath the stage)
Jill Gibbs
Jenny Moore
This’n’That (Lesley)
Bits and Bobs (Paul)
Elizabeth Gale
Caroline aka Pantoloons

Nostalgic Mix Vintage Fair Saturday, October 13th

Not long now!! How time flies.  Sorry no blogging lately.  We are in the middle of moving house at the monet and, as is common, it's been less than straightforward!!
Anyway, Paul and I are all set for Saturday.  The fair opens at 10.00am and closes at 4.00pm.
Admission is, as usual, free of charge so please come along, bring your friends and famil, enjoy the shops in Totnes and the market as well as the fair.  Lots of our regulars make a real day of it and some are finding B&Bs to have a whole weekend in Totnes.  Hopefully, we have booked good weather.
There are lots of regular sellers and a few new ones so the mix will be as nostalgic and rich as ever.
See you there I hope.
Love Lesley XXX