Nostalgic Mix
Shabby Chick (Amanda)
Sara Rose Textiles (selling rag rugs and more)
Bustle and Sew (Helen)
Sue Garratt (selling retro styled goodies and more)
Di Hawkins (selling vintage clothing)
The Washerwoman (Jack and Lizzie)
International Quality Kitsch (Leonore)
Cycles Vintage Clothing (Clare)
Recycloanalyst (Anne)
Scallywags (Maddy)
Stewart and Hazel Lincoln (selling a vintage/retro mix)
Salssnippets Vintage Fabrics (Sal)
Philippa Potts
Vintage by Nature (Auriol & Sue)
Peagreen Furniture (Sam Sunshine)
Rosiebud Designs (Jill)
Wiggiewoo (Yasmin)
Vintage Clothing (Jennie)
Richard and Norman (selling vintage and retro)
Alice’s Teaparty
Serena Tucker (selling a vintage mix)
Taylor Made
Creations (Patsy)
Sue Lewis (selling vintage china and more)
More Tea Vicar (Avril’s retro teashop beneath the stage)
Jill Gibbs
Jenny Moore
This’n’That (Lesley)
Bits and Bobs (Paul)
Elizabeth Gale
Caroline aka Pantoloons